NABET-CWA/NBCU Negotiations Bulletin #7

May 26, 2023
NBCU 2022 Master Agreement Negotiations – Bulletin #7
The Union's Network Negotiating Committee (NNC) met last week with Labor Relations representatives of NBCUniversal at the Union’s offices in New York City.
The parties engaged in frank discussions regarding all open and still unresolved issues in these negotiations, which include; vacations, layoff provisions, short turnaround, night shift differential, certain terms and working conditions for daily hire employees, as well as overall wage increases. Unfortunately, we were unable to realize our goal of achieving a new overall agreement and closure to these negotiations -- which have been ongoing for nearly six months.
The Company remains intent on eliminating the existing vacation provisions in the Master Agreement and substituting the NBCUniversal Vacation Policy for all staff employees. Many NABET-represented staff employees would lose vacation time and/or be severely limited in future vacation accrual. The Union is steadfastly opposed to this draconian change in vacation policy.
The Union continues to pursue important enhancements in daily hire terms and conditions (Sideletter 32). In addition to proposed increases in the daily benefit payment, your negotiating committee is also seeking an improved accrual, usage, and carryover system for paid sick leave. Additionally, the Union is seeking increased Company contributions to the 401k Plan (CWA SRT).
The parties continue to discuss general wage increases, but the Company remains stubborn in this area as well, with little or no acknowledgement of the harsh economic realities faced by our members every day at the gas pump and in grocery stores. The Company’s current wage offer, which is far less than 3% in each year, is absolutely unacceptable to your negotiating committee. In addition, the parties also have very different views regarding employees who are working under overscale arrangements or personal service contracts. NABET-CWA has consistently maintained that all represented employees should be entitled to annual wage increases regardless of their compensation arrangement.
The current Master Agreement is fully operative with no exceptions, pursuant to a negotiated extension agreement between NABET-CWA and NBCUniversal. At this time, all terms and conditions of the contract are in full force and effect. Negotiations between the parties are scheduled to resume next week.
Your Local Union office will be contacting you in the near future with specifics on upcoming mobilization activities focused on issues critically important to our goals in these negotiations. Please continue to monitor Sector and Local Union websites, and be alert for official updates relating to these negotiations.
In Solidarity,
The NBC NABET-CWA Network Negotiating Committee
● Local 11: President Lou Marinaro and Executive Board Member Rob Weiss
● Local 31: Jim Long, Network News EJ, and President Bantu Opiotennione
● Local 41: Local 41 Member Ed Dabrowski and Executive Board Member Doug Webber
● Local 53: President Emeritus Steve Ross, Executive Board Member Tim Stepich, and Warren Stern
● NABET-CWA Sector: President Charlie Braico, Local 11 General Counsel and Advisor to the Bargaining Committee Max Sicherman, Assistant to the Sector President Jodi Fabrizio-Clontz, Kristen Helmstetter, and Nikisha Johnson