
The Union Keeps Us Strong
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Click here to join our NABET-CWA Retirees Group.
As a Union member, you helped build the Communications Workers of America. Over the years, you backed CWA as it fought for bigger paychecks, better fringe benefits, greater job security and pensions that rank among the best in the country.
As a Union veteran, you know the power of membership. But did you know you can continue to have that power in your retirement years? You can through the CWA Retired Members' Council.
The CWA Retired Members' Council is a hardheaded, no-nonsense organization that focuses the accumulated skills of CWA veterans on the critical issues facing retirees. It has the expertise to help insure that retirees have input into key retiree programs as they're shaped by employees and the government.
The Council is made up of Local retiree clubs as well as district-wide at-large clubs (for retired members whose Local does not yet have a club.) Each year, in conjunction with the CWA Convention, the Council holds an Annual Meeting where delegates from the clubs gather to discuss and decide on matters relevant to retired members.
The Council's Executive Board is comprised of a representative from each of the Union's eight districts and an at-large representative from CWA's merger partners such as the Printing, Publishing and Media Workers Sector of CWA, NABET-CWA and The Newspaper Guild. Each of the nine Executive Board members represents retiree concerns with voice and vote at the CWA Convention.
Fighting for You
The RMC works to safeguard and enhance your retirement years in many ways:
- We monitor company pension policies.
- We track national legislation affecting CWA retirees.
- We work on behalf of federal and local political candidates who support our goals and interests.
- We represent retiree concerns with CWA Bargaining Councils in their negotiations.
Benefits of Membership
Your membership entitles you to receive the CWA News and the quarterly newsletter of the CWA Retired Members' Council, Journeys. As an RMC member, you may participate in the CWA Union Privilege Programs which include a low interest rate MasterCard, low cost mail order prescription plan, free and discounted legal services, travel service, and supplemental term life insurance among others. Additionally, you are eligible for other insurance programs such as Medicare supplement policies offered by Council-approved companies.
Questions? Contact Bill Freeda
Bill Freeda is the National Retiree Coordinator (NRC) for NABET-CWA. In this capacity Bill assists retirees, and their families, with problems in areas such as Health Insurance, Medicare, Medigap, Social Security, pension plans, death benefits, CWA insurance, address changes, the NABET-CWA bulletin board, the CWA Retired Members Clubs, and any other areas of concern to retirees. He is available to assist ALL retirees of NABET-CWA, both Network and Non-Network. Bill works out of his home in New York.
(Note: If any active members, or their families, have any questions regarding such matters they too should contact him.)
Phone: 1-800-928-5279 (1-800-9-ATLAS-9) or 516-376-9785. Fax: 516-826-0719. You can call between 10AM and 10PM ET, 7 days a week.
Mailing address:
58 Ruth Court
Wantagh, NY 11793
CWA RMC COPE is a way for CWA retirees to have their voices heard in the political arena. Contributions to CWA RMC COPE are used to help candidates who support issues of importance to retired members get elected to public office. CWA RMC COPE offers three levels of membership: Quorum for $25. per year, Platinum Quorum for $50 per year and Triple Q at $75. per year.
If you would like to join CWA RMC visit
Retiree Links
- Alliance for Retired Americans (AFL-CIO)
- Buy Union Label/Boycott Page
- National Senior Citizens Law Center
- Radio Days
- Social Security Online
- Medicare
- The Museum of Broadcast Communications
- The Museum of Radio and TV
- Union Privilege
© 2015 Communications Workers of America, AFL-CIO, CLC. All Rights Reserved.