Join Us

More than 700,000 men and women in the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico belong to our union – CWA – the Communications Workers of America.
We chose CWA because we wanted dignity, respect, and a real voice in our jobs, workplace, and company. Our union has a proven record of achievement for men and women working at small companies and in large corporations, and in state, county, and local government.
CWA has broken new ground in negotiating strong contracts, spelling out not only our wages, benefits, and working conditions, but also addressing issues that we face today: employment security, health care, the outsourcing and deskilling of our work, stress, training, and many more.
The key to CWA’s history of success on behalf of its members and working people is that our union is rooted where we live and work – in some 10,000 communities all across the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico.
Why a Union?
We deserve to be respected and treated well where we work. Every employer, from the smallest company to the largest corporation, and in state, local and county government, should treat us with dignity and respect, providing good pay, benefits and working conditions.
Unfortunately, many employers are so concerned with profits and the bottom line that they overlook our welfare, satisfaction, or input. That’s why thousands of working men and women like us are choosing to organize with CWA every year. When you successfully organize and get CWA representation, you get a real voice in your workplace and future:
- You get the legal right to bargain with your employer over pay, benefits, health care, employment security, retirement, and other conditions of employment.
- You get to negotiate over policies affecting promotions, job bidding, layoffs, and many other aspects of your job and workplace.
In CWA, you will be part of one of America’s largest and most diverse unions. We work not just in the communications and information industries, but also in the news media, the airlines, broadcast and cable television, public service, higher education and health care, manufacturing, and public safety and law enforcement and more.
How To Organize
If you and your coworkers are interested in organizing together, CWA will help you build majority support during your campaign. But experience shows us that for workers to create a viable union that truly represents their wishes, it’s best they lead the campaign and organize themselves. CWA will provide you with support and guidance after you and your co-workers take the first steps to forming your union.
Click to learn where to start »
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CONTACT US If you and your coworkers are interested in forming a union, CWA will assist you in building majority support. Before contacting CWA, make sure that you have already begun talking with your co-workers about forming a union, identifying key workplace issues, and building an inside organizing committee.
Click here to send us an e-mail message, providing contact information and identifying where you work and some of your workplace issues. A CWA organizer or representative in your area will contact you. He or she will set up a confidential meeting with you and some of your co-workers to discuss the possibility of a union in your workplace. You can also leave us a message at 202-434-1254.
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Nearly 1,000 Sports Broadcast Members Join NABET-CWA
Nearly 1,000 technicians and other workers who bring television sports to millions of viewers have joined NABET-CWA over the past year, following new work agreements reached with ABC Sports and NBC Sports.
NABET-CWA President Charlie Braico said the program, "Growing the Union at ABC Sports and NBC Sports," has been very successful and will continue to bring union representation to hundreds of workers, especially in sports field production.
"There has been a huge expansion in the coverage of sports, especially for college athletics. The number of college football games broadcast in a weekend – and covered by NABET-CWA collective bargaining agreements – has grown from five to as many as 35 games. Most of these workers are daily hires, who are hired show to show, season to season. It's clear that they want the benefits of NABET-CWA representation," he said.
Daily Hire/Freelance members are an integral part of NABET-CWA, and the union has focused on ensuring that these workers have the opportunity for a union voice.
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