Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Your NABET-CWA bargaining team submitted formal comprehensive proposals to the Company on August 21st. This set of proposals covered the concerns of the membership including, but not limited to: wages, safety, sick days, and increased monetary benefits for short turnarounds and schedule changes.
The Company has not formally responded to the Union’s proposals. The delayed response time from the Company is not only slowing down the process it is, quite frankly, insulting. While it is true the pandemic has had an impact on the pace of the
negotiations and created unprecedented challenges, it is not an excuse for these long periods of silence on the Company’s part.
With that being said, the Union is discussing and exploring all options available to us to keep the process moving forward. Some of those options are informational leafletting and workplace actions. We assure you, your voices will continue to be heard.
We will not be discouraged from our objective, securing a full and fair contract for our membership.
Brothers and sisters, your bargaining team realizes that this has been a long process. Now is when we dig in our heels and show the true unity and absolute resolve to achieve a fair contract.
The Union will be releasing more information regarding mobilization efforts in the coming days.
In solidarity,
Your NABET-CWA Bargaining Committee
Louis M. Marinaro – NABET Sector Vice President & NABET-CWA Local 11 President
Max H. Sicherman – General Counsel & Grievance Chairman, NABET-CWA Local 11
Bantu Opiotennione – Vice President, NABET-CWA Local 31
John Duffy – Shop Steward
Dean Kamienski – Shop Steward