NABET-CWA Awards College Scholarships to Member Families

NABET-CWA awarded scholarships this year to five high school scholars who are the daughters or sons of active NABET-CWA members. They each will receive $750 annually for four years – a total of $3,000 – toward their college educations. In honor of their academic and community leadership, these students won merit-based scholarships named in memory of past NABET-CWA International Presidents and/or employees:
Jaclyn Barreca
Jaclyn Barreca is the daughter of Local 11 member Lawrence Barreca. Jaclyn received a “Regents Diploma with Advance Designation” from Miller Place High School in Miller Place, NY. While there, she was on the Varsity Cross Country and Track teams and received awards for Scholar Athlete, General Academic Excellence, AP Scholar, and English 10 Honors Excellence. Jaclyn was a member of the National Honor Society and on the High Honor Roll during her four years in high school. Her volunteer experience includes being a camp counselor and serving at a local soup kitchen. Jaclyn won the George Smith Scholarship Award and attends the State University of New York Geneseo.
Nadine Ciardulli
Nadine Ciardulli, the daughter of Local 11 member Don Ciardulli, won the Edward M. Lynch Scholarship Award. A graduate of Plainedge High School in North Massapequa, NY, Nadine was a member of the National, Science, English and Tri-M (music) Honor Societies. She participated in Varsity tennis, track and field and bowling, and played violin in her school’s Chamber Orchestra. As an intern, Nadine helped to organize clothing and food drives for those in need. She volunteered twice a week for a dog shelter and for the American Cancer Society throughout her high school years. She attends the State University of New York Plattsburgh.
Emily Coller
Emily Coller is the daughter of Local 47 member Patty Coller (WKBN-TV) and Local 47 member Bob Coller (WJW-TV). At Lakeview High School, Emily graduated in the top one percent of her 2017 class. As an honor student, four-year letter winner in golf and state champion, Emily participated in several school organizations, including National Honor Society, Madrigal Choir, French Club, and Bulldog Buddies tutoring, and served as a classroom aide for intervention students at her high school. She also worked at a local market and served a one-year term on the Ohio Attorney General’s Teen Ambassador Board. Emily won the Lawrence Dworkin Scholarship Award and attends the Xavier University in Cincinnati, OH, double majoring in Business and History. Emily also received the James Harris Scholarship Award, which provides a one-time scholarship of $600.
Timothy McManus
Timothy McManus, the son of Local 11 member Mike McManus, received an Advanced Regents Diploma from Eastchester High School in Eastchester, NY. Among the top 10% of his graduating class, Timothy also was a member of the National Honor Society, the Model UN, and the president of the French Club. His hobbies include maintaining the pop culture blog and playing guitar. Timothy volunteered for Meals on Wheels, as a tutor and for the Eastchester Public Library. Timothy won the Dorr C. Wilson Scholarship Award and attends Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, CA.
Liz Yount
Liz Yount of Tarzana, CA, is the daughter of Local 53 member David Yount. Liz, who graduated from Harvard-Westlake High School, won the James P. Nolan Scholarship Award. In her senior year, Liz represented the United States in worldwide debate competitions as Team Captain of the country’s top high school debate team – USA Debate team. As an editor, reporter, and photographer for her school’s newspaper, Liz won international and national awards for her journalism work. Liz’s critiques of the presidential debates last year were professionally published eight times, appearing in The Hollywood Reporter and The Guardian. In her spare time, she volunteers for Operation Gratitude. Liz is currently attending George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs as a Presidential Scholar.
The following students received a one-time NABET-CWA Scholarship of $1,000:
Richard Heath
Richard Heath, the son of Local 18 member Glenn Heath, graduated from Weymouth High School in Weymouth, MA. Richard was a member of the National Honor Society and completed numerous community service hours, including taking part in efforts to clean up underdeveloped and struggling areas in Detroit. He played baseball and guitar, which he plans to continue in college. Richard won the Region Two James P. Nolan Memorial Award. He attends the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where is a student in the college of Social and Behavioral Sciences and plans to major in Political Science.
Alayna Seggi
Alayna Seggi, the daughter of NABET-CWA Staff Representative Eric Seggi, won the Region Two James P. Nolan Memorial Award. Alayna graduated suma cum laude from Fort LeBoeuf High School in Waterford, PA, where she was a member of the National Honor Society, Student Council, and Editor of the yearbook. Alayna was a scholar athlete and a four-year letter winner in track, basketball and volleyball, where she was a two-time All-Region and All-District 10 selection. Alayna plans to continue her education and athletic career at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, where she plans to major in forensic psychology and participate in Women’s Volleyball for the Panthers.
Hunter Skorczewski
Hunter Skorczewski is the son of Local 46 member Mark Skorczewski. Hunter graduated from All Saints Central High School in Bay City, MI, where he was named to the Highest Honors list every semester and received the President’s Award for Academic Excellence. He participated in baseball, football and basketball, where he was named to the Academic All-State Team and won “BCAM’s BEST” Boys Basketball All-State Honorable Mention. He also was a member of the Robotics team and recognized on the NBC 25 News “Path to Greatness” series. Hunter volunteered for the United Way and the MidMichigan Medical Center, among others, and was a regular blood donor. Hunter won the Thomas F. Kennedy Scholarship Award and attends the Northwood University in Midland, MI.
The following student received a one-time NABET-CWA Scholarship of $600:
Riley Yusko
Riley Yusko, of Hinckley, OH, is the daughter of Local 42 member John Yusko. Riley won the James Harris Scholarship Award. In high school, Riley was on the yearbook staff at Brunswick High School for two years and participated in Professionals of Tomorrow, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, and HUDDLE, where she acted as a role model and presented alternatives to alcohol and other drug use for elementary students. Riley is pursuing a Bachelor of Nursing degree at the University of Toledo in Toledo, OH. She hopes to become a Nurse Anesthetist.
As published in the Fall 2017 NABET News