On the Strike Line – Rick Nowlin

Striking CWA Local 38061 member Rick Nowlin plays the saxophone with local artist Phat Man Dee at a fundraiser for the strike fund.
Name: Rick Nowlin
Local: The Newspaper Guild of Pittsburgh, TNG-CWA Local 38061
Workplace: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Job Title: News Assistant, former Jazz Critic, occasional editorial writer, librarian
Experience: 26 years
Strike Time: 2 years
Quote: “This isn't my first rodeo—my parents were public school teachers, and I went through the Giant Eagle strike in 1991.”
Inspiration: “The Blocks' stance actually offends my Christian faith—I feel that it's my duty to stand with my colleagues.”
To support striking workers and families, you can do any of these three things today:
- Donate to the strike fund that's used to pay for rent, utility bills, car repairs, groceries, and to keep their pets alive and well.
- Order a T-shirt repping their strike publication, the Pittsburgh Union Progress. All proceeds go to the same strike fund.
- Subscribe to the Pittsburgh Union Progress for free news on the strike, the lives of working people in Western PA and beyond, and more.
This post originally appeared on cwa-union.org.
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