BULLETIN #7 - August 30, 2018
Following an extended hiatus period, the NABET-CWA Network Negotiating Committee has set dates with NBCU to resume negotiations. Your Union Bargaining Committee is convening in New York City next week, and meetings are scheduled for three days with NBC; September 5th through September 7th.
The most recent negotiating sessions were conducted June 20th – 22nd in New York City.
The Union entered those discussions determined to reach a fair contract settlement that would properly serve the membership, as well as address the changes currently facing the broadcasting industry. This remains the Network Negotiating Committee’s primary goal. However, reaching an overall agreement requires give and take from both sides, and despite long hours at the bargaining table, including some late night sessions, NBC was unwilling to address the members’ concerns and bring these negotiations to a meaningful conclusion. We are hopeful that this lengthy period of reflection has focused Company negotiators on the issues important to you, the employees of NBC, and that the Company is prepared to negotiate an offer worthy of your consideration.
NABET-CWA and NBC negotiators will resume talks on Wednesday, September 5th at 10:30 A.M. Eastern Time.
Your bargaining committee will continue communicating with the membership as developments warrant. In the meantime solidarity and sustained unity are critically important. Be alert for communications from your Local regarding mobilization, and be prepared to actively engage as necessary.
Bulletins and other official information concerning these negotiations will be distributed by the NABET-CWA Sector and Locals as necessary.
In Solidarity,
NABET-CWA Network Negotiating Committee
NABET-CWA Local 59051: KOIN/Nexstar - Bargaining Bulletin #55