BULLETIN #6 - June 29, 2018
The NABET-CWA Bargaining Committee met in New York City with representatives of NBCUniversal most recently during the week of June 18, 2018. A previous negotiating session was conducted May 16-18, also in New York City.
While the parties made some progress during these last two rounds, a number of critically important bargaining issues remain unresolved and unsettled.
Bargaining is concentrated in areas such as travel pay, daily hire benefits, night shift differential, overscale arrangements/personal service agreements, general wage increases, and the overall term of the successor agreement.
While the Union has continually stressed the importance of significant economic improvements in order to close this deal – especially in light of the Company’s widely publicized financial and ratings achievements – the responses and economic counterproposals by the Company continue to fall far short of what our members expect and deserve.
The parties are exploring additional dates in July and August to resume negotiations.
In the interim, the lines of communication between the parties remain open. NABET-CWA is sharply focused on and committed to reaching an overall agreement beneficial to our membership in a timely manner. Unfortunately, that goal remains unachieved.
Your bargaining committee will continue communicating with the membership as developments warrant. In the meantime solidarity and sustained unity are critically important. Be alert for communications from your Local regarding mobilization and be prepared to actively engage, as necessary.
Bulletins and other official information concerning these negotiations will be distributed by the NABET-CWA Sector and Locals as necessary.
In Solidarity,
NABET-CWA Network Negotiating Committee
NABET-CWA Local 59051: KOIN/Nexstar - Bargaining Bulletin #55