NABET-CWA/ABC-Disney Negotiations - Bulletin #3

NABET-CWA/ABC-Disney Negotiations
New York City
Bulletin #3 - september 26, 2016
Representatives for NABET-CWA and ABC/Disney resumed negotiations Monday in face-to-face meetings which took place at the offices of NABET-CWA Local 11 in New York City.
The session included a presentation and discussion of Newswriter/Desk Assistant/Producer (F, K, and O) contract proposals from both sides. Among various Union proposals are new and enhanced fees for increasingly complex job functions, as well as several important improvements for daily hires.
Company proposals contain significant inroads into NABET’s current jurisdiction. The Company is proposing the use of outside news services, such as ‘Fresco’ and ‘Stringr’ designed to gather news content, and includes situations “where the Company provides instructions as to the content of the material to be obtained.”
The Union’s negotiating team includes Arthur Mazzacca, Local 16 President; Maurice Thomas, Local 31 Treasurer; RVP-4 Don Farnham, Local 41; and Jennifer Olney, Local 51. Also attending the negotiations were Local 16 Vice President James Nolan, and NABET-CWA attorney Ralph Phillips.
Complete copies of the Company and Union proposal packages are now available on your Local’s website.
The parties are tentatively scheduled to meet again on Tuesday, September 27th at the offices of NABET-CWA Local 11 in New York City.
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