DECEMBER 3, 2021
The 2018-2022 NABET-CWA/NBCU Master Agreement is scheduled to expire on March 31, 2022. For the past several months, your Union leadership and the bargaining representatives for each Local have been preparing for negotiations, which would typically get underway in early January.
Due to the continuing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Union and the Company have been discussing an extension of the Master Agreement. The parties recently agreed to extend all terms and conditions of the current Master Agreement for an additional twelve (12) months. Pursuant to this negotiated agreement, the new expiration date of the NBC Master Agreement is March 31, 2023.
In addition, the parties have negotiated a two percent (2%) base pay wage increase which will be effective for all contracts in the Master Agreement on April 1, 2022.
Beginning early next year, your Local Union will reach out with messaging concerning contract proposal suggestions and bargaining preparation, in advance of the start of negotiations which we anticipate will begin in November or December 2022. Please be sure that your Local Union office has your most current contact information: mailing address, telephone number and email address.
The members of the NABET-CWA/NBC Network Negotiating Committee are:
- Local 11: Lou Marinaro (President) and Rob Weiss (Executive Board Member)
- Local 31: Steve Mitnick ("A" Unit Staff) and Bob Williams (President)
- Local 41: Ed Dabrowski (Executive Board Member) and Chris Willadsen (President)
- Local 53: Steve Ross (President) and Tim Stepich (Executive Board Member)
- Local 11 General Counsel, Max Sicherman, Esq.
- NABET-CWA President, Charlie Braico
If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to your Local Union office.
In Solidarity,
The NABET-CWA/NBC Network Negotiating Committee
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