NABET-CWA/ABC-Disney Negotiations - Bulletin #2

NABET-CWA/abc-disney Negotiations
New York City
Bulletin #2 - september 23, 2016
The NABET-CWA Network Negotiating Committee (NNC) continued bargaining sessions throughout this week with representatives from ABC/Disney on a successor to the 2011-2017 NABET-CWA/ABC Master Agreement. Face-to-face meetings between the Union and the Company took place at ABC Network Headquarters in New York City on Thursday and Friday.
The session on Thursday included a presentation of the Company’s package, including discussions regarding a proposal to move Los Angeles Net Release to the non-union Disney Cable distribution center in Burbank, CA. The parties also discussed the New York ‘Cloud Playout’ facility, as well as proposed changes for the New York and Prospect lot Central Stores operations. The Union presented the remainder of its package of proposals during the afternoon session. The talks adjourned Thursday at 4:30pm.
Friday (9/23), the Union and the Company met at 11:30am. The Company presented their proposals relating to meal periods, while stating the need for additional cost cutting and operational efficiencies that they claim are required to compete in today’s business environment. The Union then gave a detailed explanation of various Daily Hire proposals (Article A-14), in order for the Company to better understand the various improvements being sought for Daily Hires.
The NNC members include Arthur Mazzacca, Local 16 President; Maurice Thomas, Local 31 Treasurer; RVP-4 Don Farnham and Kevin Wilson, Local 51 President. Also attending the negotiations were Local 16 Vice President James Nolan, Jodi Fabrizio-Clontz, Assistant to the Sector President and NABET-CWA attorney Ralph Phillips.
Complete copies of the Company and Union proposal packages should now be available on your Local’s website.
The parties are scheduled to meet again on Monday, September 26th at the offices of NABET- CWA Local 11 in New York City.
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