NABET-CWA/ABC-Disney Negotiations - Bulletin #1

NABET-CWA/ABC-disney Negotiations
New York City
Bulletin #1 - september 20, 2016
The NABET-CWA Network Negotiating Committee (NNC) held its first bargaining session with representatives from ABC/Disney on a successor to the 2011-2017 NABET-CWA/ABC Master Agreement.
The face-to-face meeting between the Union and Company took place at ABC Network Headquarters in New York City. CWA President Chris Shelton offered up some opening remarks at the first bargaining session. President Shelton pledged that the 600,000 members of CWA will be paying close attention to the negotiations, and fully support the NABET-CWA members who are seeking a fair contract with ABC/Disney.
NABET-CWA Sector President Charles Braico, the NNC chief spokesman, reminded Company representatives that the Union’s proposals come directly from the rank and file membership.
This is the first time that the Union and Company are meeting well in advance of the expiration of the Master Agreement. Both sides agreed to this early bargaining after it took more than two years, and the assistance of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, to bring the negotiations for the current Master Agreement to a close. The Master Agreement expires on March 31, 2017.
The NNC members include Local 16 President, Arthur Mazzacca; Local 51 President, Kevin Wilson, Local 31 Treasurer, Maurice Thomas; RVP-4 Don Farnham. Also attending the negotiations are Sector Vice President Lou Marinaro, Local 16 Vice President James Nolan, Local 31 President, Rich McDermott and Local 41 President Don Villar. In a departure from past negotiations with the company, NABET-CWA attorney Ralph Phillips has joined the NNC for bargaining.
The Union and the Company proposal packages will be made available to the members in the next few days. Wednesday (9/21) bargaining will be on hold due to a previously scheduled meeting of the ABC Pension Trustees. Negotiations will resume on Thursday (9/22).
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