Bargaining Update

Beneficial State Bank
Employees at the Beneficial State Bank ratified their first contract, the first in 40 years in the banking industry. The 96 workers in the bargaining unit are spread across Washington, Oregon, and California and include bankers, consumer loan servicing representatives, loan processors, underwriters, file clerks, and custodial staff. Members of the Committee for Better Banks, a CWA project, initiated the organizing efforts at Beneficial State Bank and bank workers are leading campaigns to improve working conditions across all the major U.S. banks. This contract sets a great example for others to follow.
Frontier Communications – Connecticut
Bargaining with Frontier Communications in Connecticut opened earlier this month with overwhelming support from members all across the state. CWA represents close to 1,700 Frontier workers in Connecticut who have been providing essential services and kept communities connected even through a global pandemic. The company’s recent emergence out of bankruptcy provides a great opportunity for Frontier to put its workers first, bargain in good faith, and become a top provider in the industry. CWA members are committed to stay strong through the bargaining process and secure a fair contract. For bargaining updates, please check out the CWA Local 1298 website.
Rally in Binghamton, NY in Support of NPR & PBS