NABET-CWA/NBC NASCAR - Tentative Agreement

MAY 28, 2021
NABET-CWA and NBCU have reached a tentative agreement for a first collective bargaining agreement covering technical work performed in connection with airing NASCAR races on NBC’s family of basic cable networks. The tentative agreement was reached on May 27, 2021, and, if ratified by the membership, will expire on March 31, 2022.
The members of your bargaining committee will be unanimously recommending that you ratify the tentative agreement because of the protections and benefits it will provide our membership moving forward into the 2021 race season.
The Master Agreement between NABET-CWA and NBCU will serve as the baseline for the terms and conditions of your employment when working on any of NBCU’s cable channel NASCAR races. This means that you will now have the protection of the grievance and arbitration procedure in the Master Agreement on NASCAR cable shows. The Master Agreement will also govern issues such as travel pay, contributions to the CWA-SRT 401k and Flex Plans, meal penalties, overtime rules, as well as all other working terms used for NBC Broadcast shows.
This tentative agreement is a standalone contract that was, and will be, negotiated separately from the Master Agreement that covers NBC Broadcast work. The new NASCAR-specific agreement provides benefits in other aspects of your employment when working on the cable networks. Highlights include:
In terms of economics, all core crew employees will receive a wage rate increase of 2.00% effective for the 2021 race season. This raise will apply to all core crew employees, even if you are on an overscale arrangement. In addition, all core crew members will receive a cash bonus of $750.00 upon ratification of the tentative agreement.
For non-economics, the Company and Union have agreed to form a safety committee to address NASCAR-specific health and safety issues. The formation of the committee is important given the unique safety issues that arise during NASCAR race productions.
Under the terms the tentative agreement, the Company is obligated to notify both the Union and employees of any significant changes in procedure prior to scheduling the crew for the upcoming race season. Members will be fully informed of any changes prior to signing up for a race season.
Finally, your bargaining committee believes that a one-year deal is appropriate given the current economic climate and the fact that this would be an initial bargaining agreement. The duration of the deal will allow the Union to get back to the table to address any issues that may arise during the upcoming season, which may be easier achieved with the general framework already in place.
The Union will be sending out copies of the tentative agreement and scheduling general membership meetings to discuss the contract. Additionally, the Union will be providing instructions and timelines regarding ballot instructions.
Your bargaining committee thanks you for your patience and resolve during these last few years. The Company’s initial positions were, quite frankly, insulting. Standing in solidarity with the crew, your committee was able to negotiate terms that are better than the NBCU Master Agreement for your NASCAR cable productions.
In Solidarity,
Your NABET-CWA Bargaining Committee:
Louis M. Marinaro – NABET Sector Vice President & NABET Local 11 President
Max H. Sicherman – General Counsel & Grievance Chairman, NABET-CWA Local 11
Bantu Opiotennione – Vice President, NABET-CWA Local 31
John Duffy – Shop Steward
Dean Kamienski – Shop Steward
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