BULLETIN #5 - April 27, 2018
The NABET-CWA Bargaining Committee met this week with representatives of NBCUniversal in New York City, with the mutually expressed goal that both sides were committed to reach an overall tentative agreement, and conclude negotiations for a successor Master Agreement.
Unfortunately, that goal remains unachieved. The parties conducted extensive talks throughout the week, but the Company remains rigid in their demands and largely unyielding when it comes to addressing the Union’s concerns. The Union’s package contains economic and quality of life proposals designed to keep our contract competitive and progressive. So far, the economic counterproposals offered by the Company can only be characterized as miserly. At the same time, the Company is insisting on contract proposals which could diminish job security through modified layoff language and would devalue night shift differential by slashing the current premium by 33%.
Over the next two weeks, each local will conduct membership meetings to discuss the current status of negotiations, as well as what types of membership engagement may be required going forward. It is critically important that each member make an effort to attend these meetings, and everyone should be ready to mobilize in support of our bargaining position.
The Union was represented in this round of bargaining by Lou Marinaro and Rob Weiss (New York, Local 11), Michael Judge (Washington, D.C., Local 31), Ed Dabrowski (Chicago, Local 41), Steve Ross (Los Angeles, CA, Local 53) as well as Local 11 General Counsel Max Sicherman and NABET-CWA General Counsel Judiann Chartier.
The parties are exploring additional dates to resume negotiations.
Bulletins and other official information concerning these negotiations will be distributed by the Sector and Locals as necessary.
In Solidarity,
NABET-CWA Network Negotiating Committee
NABET-CWA Local 59051: KOIN/Nexstar - Bargaining Bulletin #55