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NABET-CWA Member Training Courses

The training program listed below is available at no cost to active NABET-CWA members in good standing.

LinkedIn Learning (formerly offers hundreds of courses in a variety of subjects for union members and their immediate families. In order to take advantage of this program, you will need an account created for you. Contact Brendan Black at  He will need to know your name, email, and Union local (NABET-CWA Local 51016).

Please note that you have to renew the license each calendar year. 

NABET-CWA offers free access to the online training and educational services of LinkedIn Learning encouraging members to expand their professional skills and enhance their employability.  There are no restrictions on what members may study.  Immediate family of NABET members may use the member’s accountRetired members may open an account, as may laid off members for employment transition assistance.  Over a thousand NABET members have taken advantage of this valuable benefit.  If you have never used Linked In Learning, or its predecessor,, you should visit the homepage and check out their expansive technical, educational, creative and business course offerings.

Benefits of a LinkedIn Learning Subscription

  • Unlimited access to thousands of LinkedIn courses and tutorials 24/7 for an entire calendar year from any Apple, PC, Android, or Chromebook device with internet access.  Supported browsers: Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Opera.  New courses are constantly being added.  (Exercise files are not compatible with portable devices)
  • Learn on the go: Watch courses on LinkedIn Learning with the free apps for iPhone, iPad, and Android devices.  Switch back and forth between devices without losing your place.
  • Save and prioritize courses: The playlists feature lets you create and manage a list of courses you want to watch, and bookmark specific videos for reference.
  • Watch what you want: Courses are presented in small chunks, so it’s easy to find quick answers to specific questions. You can also watch an entire course from end to end if you choose.
  • Expert teachers: Instructors are respected professionals in their fields, and passionate about sharing their expertise.
  • Top-quality videos: Compelling videos use screenshots, narration, live action, smart boards, charts, graphics, and audio.
  • Searchable transcripts: Read along with closed-captioned transcripts or search the text to quickly find information within a course. Learn about closed captions and searching transcripts.
  • Certificates of completion: Earn certificates of completion for each course viewed, and show coworkers, friends, and potential employers what you’ve accomplished.
  • Training licenses are good for an entire calendar year but must be renewed at year’s end.  This is CWA policy intended to encourage member use and to remove lapsed users.

Don’t waste this valuable educational benefit supplied by your Union.  An annual LinkedIn Learning membership costs $300.00. It's FREE to Local 16 members in good standing.



