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Important Notice Regarding “Statements of Earnings”


Important Notice Regarding “Statements of Earnings” For Work Performed Under the NABET-CWA-ABC Master Agreement:

NABET-CWA is providing you with this notice concerning upcoming changes regarding the Statements of Earnings (SOEs) you receive for payment of wages and other income items from Disney Payroll (DWSS). The SOE is the document you currently receive along with your pay stub which breaks down the payments into wages for hours worked, fees, penalties and payments in lieu of benefits received per each individual day of work.

As the result of the recently ratified Master Agreement, all Staff and Daily Hires working under the ABC contract are being provided with instructions to obtain on-line access to electronic SOEs through the “My Disney Today” employee portal. Additionally, all Staff and Daily Hires will be given a one-time only opportunity to elect to continue receiving paper SOEs by mail. The deadline for this election is September 2, 2022. Persons not opting-in will only receive access to electronic SOEs going forward.

Each eligible employee should have received an email from Disney Worldwide Shared Services with explicit instructions to obtain “My Disney Today” access and instructions to elect the opt-in for paper SOEs.  See below.


If you believe you should have received these instructions but have not, please contact

Please note that there is no change to procedures regarding pay stubs, which list pay period totals for income and deductions. This notice pertains only to the Statement of Earnings which provided daily itemization of base wages, overtime, premiums and penalties.

Thank you for your attention to this process.



As part of the negotiations for a successor to the 2017-2021 Master Agreement the parties agreed that electronic service of the statement of earnings satisfied the Company’s obligations under the collective bargaining agreement. The parties agree that electronic access to the statement of earnings allows employees to have greater access to their statements more securely and quicker than if received by mail. Access to the electronic statement of earnings can be achieved by following the enclosed instructive guide.

Employees that wish to continue to receive their statement of earnings by regular mail must complete and sign the below form and return it to the email address listed below. Failure to return the fully completed and signed form by September 2, 2022 will result in the employee having electronic access by default.

If you have any questions please direct them to your NABET-CWA representatives.


Employee Name __________________________________________________________

                                    First                                         MI                               Last


Perner Number(s)_________________________



Signature _______________________________________ Date ____________


Please Submit to:








