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(Association of Technical Employees) began representing employees in Television, Radio, Film and Production.  Originally the employees represented for the "Red" and "Blue" networks, which later became ABC and NBC, respectively.

Before NABET-CWA, broadcast employees worked split shifts; there was no pay or time off for holidays; there was no overtime pay.  The typical wage was $20.00 per week - $40.00 was BIG money!

In 1933, some 300 employees at NBC formed the Association of Technical Employees (ATE).

1934 First contract signed with the National Broadcasting Company. This contract had a wage scale of $175.00 per month -$260.00 (after 9 years' service).  The work week was 48 hours.

1937 First contract spelling out our jurisdiction.  First independent station joins unit

1939 First union shop clause.

1940 ATE changed to National Association of Broadcast Engineers and Technicians (NABET)

1941 First 8-hour day.  Twenty-three (23) small stations under contract.

1943 Former NBC Blue Network was split off by ocurt decree and became the American Broadcast Company.  NABET added a network to its contract.

1951 Affiliation with Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO). Name changed to National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians.

1952 Technical employees at Canadian Broadcasting Company joins NABET.

1953 Canadian members affiliate with Canadian Labor Congress.

1960 The best contracts in the industry, with three major networks and more than 100 independent stations and employees.

1961 Canadian Television Network (CTV), which led to NABET organizing several large private stations.

1965 First Film local chartered.

1968 Convention gave Canadians autonomy to govern themselves by electing a Vice-President for Canadian Affairs. Dues rebates made available to all Locals, large and small.

1970 NABET organizes newly formed ETV facilities in Quebec & Ontario.

1974 NABET Canada granted international status and becomes fully autonomous. Conventions to be held every four (4) years.

1986 Every local, regardless of size, was entitled to at least one convention delegate.

1986 Became mandatory that each region be allowed to hold at least one Regiona Dvisory Board meeting per year at International expense.

1990 Canada acquires additional autonomy, including its seal.

1993 Affiliation with the Communications Workers of America (CWA).

New name - NABET-CWA