Biden Takes Executive Action to Create Jobs, Raise Wages, and Protect Workers

Biden Strengthens Buy American Requirements
On Monday, President Biden issued an executive order to update and strengthen Buy American requirements for federal spending. Current regulations create loopholes that allow companies to offshore jobs and undermine the intent of the law. CWA President Chris Shelton and IUE-CWA President Carl Kennebrew applauded Biden’s action in a statement.
"This executive order will crack down on employers like GE who send jobs out of the country and will help ensure that we can build the products needed for a 21st century economy right here at home," said Kennebrew.
Maximus Workers Applaud Biden Executive Order on Path to $15 Minimum Wage
Workers who handle millions of phone calls from Medicare and ACA participants are celebrating President Biden's action to begin the process of raising the minimum wage for federal contractors to $15 per hour and are calling on their employer, Maximus, to step up and raise their wages to $15 per hour immediately. Maximus workers at the CMS call centers are organizing with CWA to win better working conditions and a voice on the job.
"President Biden is already delivering on his promises to lift up and empower workers," said Cassie Ludwig, who works at Maximus' call center in London, Ky. "But the thousands of us at Maximus who help Americans get access to healthcare, during a pandemic no less, shouldn't have to wait another minute to get the better pay that we deserve. Maximus should follow Biden's lead and implement $15 pay immediately to address years of injustice and harm, and should respect our right to form a union."
"This Executive Order is a victory won by the years-long hard work of Maximus workers and other federal contract employees calling for fair pay. Now it's time for Maximus to take immediate action to put this higher pay in the pockets of its front-line workers and start respecting their rights to organize and collectively bargain, so they can support their families and communities in this time of crisis," said CWA President Chris Shelton.
Executive Order on Protecting Worker Health and Safety
Last week, President Biden issued an executive order directing the Department of Labor to develop strong, enforceable standards for protecting workers from COVID-19 in the workplace and to enforce worker health and safety requirements.
"Ensuring the health and safety of workers is a national priority and a moral imperative," Biden wrote in the order. "Healthcare workers and other essential workers, many of whom are people of color and immigrants, have put their lives on the line during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. It is the policy of my Administration to protect the health and safety of workers from COVID-19."