Susie McAllister Sworn in as Vice President for CWA District 7

During last week’s CWA Executive Board meeting, CWA President Chris Shelton swore in Susie McAllister as Vice President of CWA District 7. Earlier this month, the Board appointed McAllister to fill the position after former District 7 Vice President Brenda Roberts announced her retirement. McAllister has been a CWA member for over 30 years, rising through the ranks and eventually coming on staff in 2009. Most recently, she served as former Vice President Roberts’ assistant in District 7.
Roberts retired after 43 years of service to CWA. She joined the union on her first day of work at Northwestern Bell and has been a fierce advocate for CWA members and workers’ rights in District 7 and around the globe.
There will be a special election to fill the remainder of the term. Information about the process has been sent to District 7 locals.
Susie McAllister takes the oath of office as the new Vice President for CWA District 7.