More from the 78th CWA Convention
In her address to the 78th CWA Convention, Secretary Treasurer Sara Steffens told delegates that “there is no magic route to recovery. The way forward is the same it always has been – the only way our movement has ever won anything – by bringing working people together to fight for what we are due.” Read her full remarks and watch the video here.
Delegates also heard from U.S. Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh and held a memorial service to remember those we have lost to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Gloria Middleton, President of CWA Local 1180, was elected Diversity Board Member for the Northeastern Region by acclamation of the Convention delegates.
Awards to locals in recognition of their accomplishments in political action, organizing, and more, traditionally presented during the Convention, have been postponed due to unforeseen delays in the schedule. A separate awards ceremony will be live-streamed in the near future. Keep an eye out for an announcement in the Newsletter!
Owosso Office moves to unionize, and is immediately marked for closure