We are writing to NABET-CWA members at ABC-TV today to provide you with an important update on the implementation of the Kronos Workforce Central Time Recording System. While the situation remains fluid, we want to provide you with some pertinent information and intermediary guidance.
The Company’s determination to implement the Kronos system affects nearly all ABC operating areas represented by NABET-CWA at the Network, ESPN as well as the Owned Television Station Group. In the past few weeks many of you have received emails from Disney Worldwide Shared Services (DWSS) informing you that on October 10, 2020, a new system will replace the various time entry systems currently in use for NABET-CWA represented workers at ABC and ESPN across the country. ABC has tactlessly decided to implement this intrusive system even though this issue is currently being adjudicated by an impartial Arbitrator. In fact, NABET-CWA and ABC have already completed submitting testimony in this matter and are awaiting a binding decision from the Arbitrator -- a decision which should be rendered after written closing arguments are delivered next month. Rather than wait for that decision, by adhering to a process that ABC and the Union have utilized for over 70 years to resolve disputes, ABC has decided to just plow ahead. Along the way, ABC managers are providing confusing, contradictory and incorrect information to NABET-CWA members. Much of this information is also at odds with representations made by the Company to the Union’s leadership in formal meetings, as well as at odds with sworn testimony given by Company representatives in front of the Arbitrator. Conflicting information includes, but is not limited to, information regarding the logging of meal periods and Opportunities To Eat (OTE), the use of vacation scheduling tools, and the lack of complete instructions and consequences regarding time swipes and the failure to do so correctly, as set up within the Kronos system.
While Sector and Local leadership view the Company’s actions in this matter as contemptable, the Union is confident that our contract interpretation will be upheld and that the Arbitrator will reverse the Company’s actions in this matter. In the meantime, the Union is providing this intermediary guidance. Please carry out any direct orders given to you by management in this matter with precision. Do not act insubordinately. Also, the Company must schedule you - and pay you - for any time spent watching Kronos training videos or reviewing Kronos operating instructions. However, while Kronos functions can be performed from a smartphone, the Company cannot require you to install any app, including the Kronos app, on your personal phone.
Finally, based on past similar situations, like the SAP payroll switchover several years ago, the Union anticipates that major discrepancies will arise due to the Company’s haste. These discrepancies might include wholesale payroll errors or intolerable operational situations. In order for the Union to quickly address any such issues, we have designed an on-line reporting form for members to submit Kronos complaints and issues. That form can be found at this link: https://forms.gle/24Hbfn8K94XcgzYy6
Any information provided to the Union will be shared with NABET-CWA Sector and Local officers, as well as with Union legal counsel. Please report your concerns at once.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact your Shop Steward or reach out to your Local Union office.
In Solidarity,
Local 16: President, Arthur Mazzacca, Vice President Bill Bores, Assistant to the President Jim Nolan, Executive Board Representatives Jim Joyce and Steve Francis, and Local 16 Legal Counsel William Schimmel, Esq.
Local 31: President Bob Williams, Vice President Bantu Opiotennione, and Treasurer Carl Mayers
Local 41: President Chris Willadsen and Treasurer Pat Keating
Local 51: President Carrie Biggs-Adams and Steward Greg Dolphin
NABET-CWA Sector: President Charlie Braico and General Counsel Judiann Chartier, Esq.
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