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Tell the New York Times to Stop Union Busting

In April, a strong majority of the tech workers at the New York Times announced that they wanted to form the Times Tech Guild with the NewsGuild of New York, TNG-CWA Local 31003. Instead of recognizing their union, Times management launched a union busting campaign.

Employees at the Times who work with interns have been told they cannot show public support for the union. Others have been forced to attend meetings in which supporters were interrogated and polled about their union support. The local has filed an unfair labor practice charge with the National Labor Relations Board.

"Union busting is unacceptable in our workplace and in all workplaces. Tech workers know our rights. We will enforce them and we won't be intimidated," said organizing committee member Kathy Zhang. "We call on our supporters to help us hold the Times accountable to their own stated values."

Send a letter to New York Times CEO Merdith Levin telling her to stop union busting and recognize the Times Tech Guild:
