IUE-CWA Locals Help Members Affected by Domestic Violence

Members of IUE-CWA Locals 81201 and 81776 are stepping up to connect victims of domestic violence with resources and aid. They recently participated in an ally training session hosted by the North Shore Labor Council with representatives from Healing Abuse Working for Change (HAWC). The HAWC team discussed ways unions can help spread the word about their services and the important role unions can play since work is sometimes the only place where a victim is away from their abuser, especially if the control factor has gotten to the point of almost total isolation from family and friends.
According to Local 81776 President Theresa Tauro, “HAWC provided handouts and posters to hang in break rooms and lavatories. With just that little effort, we’ve already helped two brave survivors connect with HAWC services.” Tauro plans to present this information to the Massachusetts AFL-CIO in the hopes that locals across the state will be able to participate.
North Shore Labor Council Members learn about the HAWC Program to aid victims of domestic violence.
This post originally appeared on cwa-union.org.
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