CWA Welcomes President Biden's Task Force on Worker Organizing and Empowerment

President Biden's executive order creating a Presidential Task Force on Worker Organizing and Empowerment is a historic step toward increasing worker power and realizing the promise of the National Labor Relations Act.
From the minute President Roosevelt signed the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), corporations and their allies in Congress sought to undermine it. Although the Act explicitly states that the federal government should encourage worker organizing and collective bargaining, over time the relentless corporate campaign to disempower working people has weakened the Act, and the NLRA and other laws have not been updated to reflect changes in the workplace.
To address these issues, President Biden has also endorsed the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act. That endorsement and the creation of this task force sends a strong message to the Senate that passing the PRO Act and other labor law reform bills is central to the President's agenda.
CWA is looking forward to working with Vice President Kamala Harris, Labor Secretary Marty Walsh, and the rest of the members of the task force to ensure that the federal government is using all available avenues to ensure that working people are able to exercise their freedom to join together in unions to improve their working conditions.