CWA Retired Members Council Sets 2024 Priorities

CWA’s Retired Members Council (RMC) Board met last week to set their 2024 agenda and conduct a swearing-in ceremony for newly elected officers. CWA President Claude Cummings Jr. has made it a priority to ensure that the retirees who helped build this union to make it what it is today are not forgotten. He spoke to the retirees via Zoom and presided over the swearing-in ceremony.
Members of the RMC, though retired, remain dedicated to protecting the benefits they worked a lifetime to achieve. They represent retired members’ concerns with bargaining committees; track social safety net and other critical legislation at the local, state, and federal levels; and keep members informed about company pension and healthcare policies.
The newly elected President of the RMC, Gwendolyn Parker, plans to emphasize member organizing and education. With a major election underway, the RMC will also increase its legislative and political activism. CWA Senior Campaign Lead Tony Tilley gave an impactful presentation on our union’s Legislative and Political program to prepare RMC activists for the upcoming political work. The RMC Board also participated in a training on CWA’s membership database to help them maintain up-to-date contact information for RMC members.
CWA Chief of Staff Sylvia J. Ramos attended the meeting to support the work of the RMC Board and facilitate their goal-setting process. “In today’s environment of companies hiring surplus workers only to lay them off, we have a lot of young retirees who still have a lot to contribute,” Ramos noted. “In some cases, we have people retiring as young as 51 years old. This platform will definitely help utilize the knowledge and experience they still have to offer.”
Click here to see the roster of newly elected RMC officeholders.
Chief of Staff Sylvia Ramos (far left) met with members of the CWA Retired Members Council who convened to swear in new officials and learn more about participating in the CWA Legislative and Political program.
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