Biden Puts Workers First with New NMB Pick

President Biden has nominated Deirdre Hamilton to serve on the National Mediation Board, which is the agency that resolves labor-management disputes in the rail and airline industries. By picking Hamilton, who previously served as an AFA-CWA staff attorney, for this important position, Biden is ensuring that in his administration, transportation workers, including passenger service agents and AFA-CWA Flight Attendants, will really have their voices heard when it comes time to resolve issues with employers.
"The rail and aviation industries are highly unionized and drivers of good jobs. The Railway Labor Act (RLA) was the first federal law guaranteeing the right of workers to organize, join unions, and elect representatives without management coercion or interference. Deirdre has amassed an in-depth knowledge of the RLA, how it functions, and she is an excellent choice to enforce the full spirit of this law as a member of the Board," said AFA-CWA International President Sara Nelson.