AFA-CWA Frontier Flight Attendants Fight for a Humane, Compassionate Sick Leave Policy
Last week, AFA-CWA Frontier Flight Attendants picketed and leafleted at Harry Reid International Airport in Las Vegas, Nev., to protest Frontier management's heavy-handed change to their sick leave policy. Workers called out management's move to make a stringent policy more severe in a global pandemic as ruthless and demand a sick leave policy that recognizes the realities of flying in a pandemic. Sign their online petition here.
New York Times Tech Guild Donates Strike Fund to Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Strikers
New York Times Tech Guild Donates Strike Fund to Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Strikers
New York Times Tech Guild Donates Strike Fund to Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Strikers
CWAers Spread Union Cheer Throughout the Year
Working Toward an AIDS-free Generation