NASCAR Organizing Victory

The Ballots Have Been Tallied!
And the results are in! NABET-CWA is thrilled to announce that a majority of the more than 100 broadcast technicians employed by NBC Sports Network on NASCAR events voted for Union Representation!
You Won!
The results were overwhelming: the count was 39 to 12 for Union representation. This sends a clear message to management that we are united behind the ideas of job security and better working conditions for us all.
What's Next?
The NLRB will issue a certification of the election results, on or about December 11, 2017. Soon after, NABET-CWA will send a letter demand bargaining dates and information, so that we can prepare for contract negotiations. We will continue to ask you what matters most to you, so that our bargaining proposals reflect the desires of our newest bargaining unit.
Stay tuned for more information!
AT&T Southwest Bargaining Team Gets Support from Across CWA District 6