APRIL 12, 2019
We wanted to take this opportunity to update you with some important information regarding the three percent (3%) wage increase and ratification bonus for eligible represented members working under the terms of the NABET-CWA/NBCU Master Agreement.
The official effective date of the 3% general wage increase was Monday, April 1, 2019.
Most full-time staff and daily hire employees will receive their wage increase and the ratification bonus (for eligible employees) on the paycheck scheduled to issue on Friday, April 26, 2019.
The Company is calculating the wage increases for all steps in all classifications, for all individual contracts within the Master Agreement. The Union and the Company are in the process of verifying the accuracy of the wage data and will be proofreading the complete wage tables.
We anticipate that this data will be verified soon, and the wage increases will appear in the next payroll cycle, on the paycheck issued April 26, 2019. No matter what date your paycheck is issued, employees eligible for a wage increase will see the 3% increase effective on, and retroactive to, April 1, 2019.
{Important Note: NBC’s stated policy is that employees who are covered by overscale arrangements or personal services agreements are not necessarily, or automatically, eligible for the annual wage increases listed above. If you have negotiated an overscale arrangement or a personal services agreement, be aware of this company philosophy and speak to your manager about receiving an annual wage increase.}
In the meantime, if you have any specific questions or concerns, contact your Local Union office.
In Solidarity,
NABET-CWA Network Negotiating Committee:
Lou Marinaro, Local 11 President / Sector Vice President
Rob Weiss, Local 11 Alternate Negotiator
Max Sicherman, Local 11 General Counsel and Grievance Chairman
Mike Judge, Local 31 Negotiator
Bob Williams, Local 31 President / Alternate Negotiator
Ed Dabrowski, Local 41 Negotiator
Chris Willadsen, Local 41 President / Alternate Negotiator
Steve Ross, President Local 53
Warren Stern, Local 53 Alternate Negotiator
Judi Chartier, General Counsel NABET-CWA
Charlie Braico, Sector President NABET-CWA
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