New Drone Training Format

Already have your Part 107 License? This course is good for recertification.
How Does it Work?
- You are enrolled in a multi-section on-line course that will provide you with the knowledge to pass the FAA Part 107 Exam.
- Take and Pass the FAA Exam. No worries, we reimburse you for the exam.
- After you pass the FAA Part 107 Exam, you will continue your course by learning how the drone works, proper care, flying tips, and maneuvering. During this phase of the course, we will send you a DJI MACIV drone! Utilize it for one week, where you will apply your knowledge and practice flying a small drone as much as you can.
- Return the MAVIC drone using the pre-paid postage so others may participate.
- Receive a free Union “Certified UAS Pilot” T-Shirt.(Already Licensed? Send me an email and we will get you a t-shirt)
Audience + Price for this Course
No cost for NABET-CWA members in good standing.
Training Course Duration
- 30 hours on-line participation in an all video format.
- 8 week training period
- Structure the class around your schedule
Locations for Drone Training
We no longer need a group in the same geographic location. We will enroll members across the country on an ongoing basis.
More information at
Contact: Kevin Celata
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